SCMP. Up to the Marque. Car review of the MG 6.

SCMP. Up to the Marque. Car review of the MG 6.

Up to the Marque. By Mark Andrews South China Morning Post. 19/06/2010 SAIC hopes the MG 6 sells in Europe despite a ‘bland’ label, writes Mark Andrews <p>The MG 6 was the spearhead of Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation’s (SAIC) assault on Europe. It is...
Metropolis. Luang Prabang. Travel Article

Metropolis. Luang Prabang. Travel Article

Luang Prabang. By Mark Andrews Metropolis Magazine (Tokyo). 11/06/2010 Laos’ second city rewards early risers To get the most out of a day in Luang Prabang, you need to get up early. First come the waves of saffron at dawn (around 6-6:30am, depending on the time of...

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